Indra Varna Mahavihar locally called Inabaha and Indra Varta Mahavihar is one of the important Mahavihar of Bhaktapur. It is assumed that in N.S.741 when King Jagarjyoti Malla was ruling over Nepalmandal, Devsingha Buddhacharya bought land from Hari in Badimangal Yugtole and made the Vihar.
In the names of the erectors, Dev Singh, Jaya Singha and Melu Singha’s names come first. And the very same Devsingha also established a statue of Dipankar Buddha in N.S.749 in the name of his son Devadas.
There is also the image of Pragyaparamita and Avalokiteshwora on the right and the left side of the main deity, Achhobhya Buddha.
The vihar is also famous for a certain event named Barhe Chukegu. It is a part of the traditional Buddhist Chudakarma ritual where the boys of Bajracharyas and Shakyas go through Acharya Abhisheka. The event is more likely considered as a Tantric in grace rite that qualifies any Bajarcharya to become a priest.
During Gunla, daily bhajans (singing hymns ) are regulated there.
However, the torans of the vihar is in bizarre conditions. There are no images of the replicated deity in it. Besides, the architecture of the vihar also seems devastated by the 2015 earthquake. Even though there are people living there.
Nevertheless, the temple-like architecture at the top of the building with two Pattas (Patah) hanging around it gives quite a traditional taste. Also, the wall paintings are abnormally beautiful.
Inacho, Bhaktapur.
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