Traditional lifestyle

Fall harvest being dried hanging from roof braces and windows of homes in a small square image

Fall harvest being dried hanging from roof braces and windows of homes in a small square

Making of haku patasi image

Making of haku patasi

Newar women pounding grain with large wooden pestles in Bhaktapur in 1971 AD Photo by John Hughes image

Newar women pounding grain with large wooden pestles in Bhaktapur in 1971 AD Photo by John Hughes

Jyapu women blessing the chariot for Bisket Jatra in Bhaktapur, 1963 image

Jyapu women blessing the chariot for Bisket Jatra in Bhaktapur, 1963

Red chillis on the mat and pot image

Red chillis on the mat and pot

A group of Newar girls and women on the northern rim of Bhaktapur 1985 image

A group of Newar girls and women on the northern rim of Bhaktapur 1985

Young wives chatting while collecting water at a communal tap image

Young wives chatting while collecting water at a communal tap

Mohani A group of Jyapu women going on the twice-daily visit to the day’s mandalic pith image

Mohani A group of Jyapu women going on the twice-daily visit to the day’s mandalic pith

Women pounding rice to make chuira (beaten rice) image

Women pounding rice to make chuira (beaten rice)

Woman and children threshing grain on road near Bhaktapur image

Woman and children threshing grain on road near Bhaktapur

Girl drying grain in dattatrya square during 1974 image

Girl drying grain in dattatrya square during 1974

Baby having a traditional sun/oil bath image

Baby having a traditional sun/oil bath

Laundry Hanging to dry image

Laundry Hanging to dry

Men Carving Stone in Durbar Square image

Men Carving Stone in Durbar Square

Harvesting Grain in Pottery Square, Talako image

Harvesting Grain in Pottery Square, Talako

Women Harvesting Grains in Suryamadhi image

Women Harvesting Grains in Suryamadhi

Weaving a Tradition newari dress Haku Patasi image

Weaving a Tradition newari dress Haku Patasi

Harvesting Grains near Bhairabnath Temple image

Harvesting Grains near Bhairabnath Temple

Na Pukhu image

Na Pukhu