Nigoo pukhu(Dui pokhari);literally means the 2 ponds

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Nigoo pukhu(Dui pokhari);literally means the 2 ponds image
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Duipokhari or the Nigoo pukhu, which literally means the two ponds is now one of the popular middles of Madhyapur thimi. People go and spend time over there. Children do swimming and visitors, boating.

First restored Nigoo Pukhu

First restored Nigoo Pukhu

But, it was not the same scenario a few years back. It has been transformed into that ancient styled pond after a long period. It is said that the pond was once dried up to welcome King Mahendra in Bhaktapur.

As per the cited stories, the locals didn’t find a good and wide place to do a grand welcome of the then King. Thus, they dried up the pond. But, unfortunately, it became a dry meadow and an un-managed field after that.

The concerned authority could not make it to its initial face until Mr Madan Sundar Shrestha, the Mayor of Madhyapur Thimi associated his work and post toward protecting these heritage sites.

One of the nigoo Pukhu (two ponds)

One of the Nigoo Pukhu (two ponds)

These ponds hold a history of at least 300 years. The name of Queen Ganga came whenever the talks start about the erection of the pond. It is said that she erected these ponds to facilitate the locals with a water resource.

recently completed nigoo pukhu

recently completed nigoo pukhu

As for one solution if somehow fire brokes or else. Moreover, the erection of the pond helps to be alive to the other water sources like the wells and stone spouts.


Nigoo Pukhu is located at the core of Madhyapur Thimi, Bhaktapur.

Nigoo Pukhu literally means the two ponds. Some people also refer to them as “twin ponds”.

Because Nigoo Pukhu is located in the heart of Madhyapur Thimi, it would take the same amount of time to travel from Bhaktapur Durbar Square to Thimi. (About a 15-minute drive)

As per the record, Queen Ganga of Thimi is credited for the establishment of these ponds.

Because there are no local buses in the Madhyapur Thimi core region, you must either walk from Thimi Bus Park or drive your own vehicle. If you continue on the same way from Madhyapur thimi chowk, you will come across those ponds on your right.

Well, there are a lot of things to explore nearby Nigoo Pukhu like you could visit the Pottery Square of Thimi from there. Likewise, you could visit temples named Balkumari, Digu Bhairava, Raj Ganesh, Siwa Ganesh, Bakhachhen Mahadeva, Lokeshwor and many more.


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